CO.RI.S.T.A. (Consorzio di Ricerca su Sistemi di Telesensori Avanzati) is an Italian non-profit research consortium, located in Naples.
CO.RI.S.T.A. consortium has collaborated with companies and organizations operating in the regional, national and international context.
Throughout its history, CO.RI.S.T.A. has acquired a consolidated experience in some sectors. Today, these constitute the predominant part of its activities.
CO.RI.S.T.A. participates in the European Space Agency IRIS SATCOM GLOBAL SOLUTION project.
CO.RI.S.T.A. participates in the OCEANOS project for monitoring crops and coastal marine areas.
CO.RI.S.T.A. expertise and competencies described in Rapporto Aerospazio Campania 2022, published on La Repubblica – March 2022.
In Il Sole 24 Ore the CORISTA describes the objectives and the new technological challenges that await the consortium in the coming years.